England, Scotland and Wales are full of castles and fortifications to explore. Some are large, famous and easy to find, while others are almost forgotten ruins. Use CastleXplorer to help you discover some of the many and varied examples that are still visible today.

- Highland & Western Isles
- Grampian
- Perthshire, Angus and Fife
- Central & West Scotland
- Lothian & Borders
- South West Scotland
- North West England
- North East England
- Yorkshire
- West Midlands
- East Midlands
- Eastern England
- South East England
- South West England
- North Wales
- Mid Wales
- South East Wales
- South West Wales
Got questions about these magnificant old castle buildings? We aren't surprised. We have been lucky enough to scout out a chartered party wall surveyor from London who is willing to provide answers to your questions (when time allows). Just email your question in to us and we'll pass it on, and be back to you with an answer as soon as possible.